After the stress and excitement of last week, Andy and I took it easy, spending a quiet week at home. The hot weather we've had recently has turned me into a homebody, but over the weekend I did manage to get out of the apartment a few times. Ever since getting hooked on my cousins new plant blog, I've been itching to make a trip to my local nursery for a few houseplants. With a quiet weekend close to home, I finally had the opportunity to pick up a few new bits of greenery, including a curly spider plant (already safely stowed out of the reach of my cat, who mowed the last one down to a nub) a prayer plant and a beautifully variegated pothos. Now to see if I can manage to keep them alive despite my previous less than exemplary record with houseplants. Over the weekend, I also made a stop at my favorite knitting store to pick up yarn for a new sweater, because what sounds better in 90 degree weather than sitting under a pile of wool. Mistakes were made, but I'll definitely be happy when I have a new sweater just in time for cool fall weather!
Back to his usual goofy self and trying to convince me to bring him with me on my next trip!