After two weekends in a row spent at home, this week I was determined to spend at least one day on the trail this week. A week of late nights at work meant I had no time for a post-work walk, so even though it rained a lot over the weekend, I managed to convince Andy to go for a long walk through the Paradise Valley Conservation Area. While we lucked out and managed to schedule our walk for the few hours the downpour decided to let up, there was plenty of mud to negotiate on the trail. I never mind a little mud though, and the new spring vegetation covered in jewel-like droplets of rain made for an especially magical walk. Giant trillium blooms littered the forest floor in dense clusters, and we spotted the occasional pink of budding salmonberry. Before I know it, summer will be here and those flowers will have turned into trailside snacks!
Post-hike beers and one of our favorite new breweries.Who am I kidding... they're all our favorite!
Working from home becomes especially tough when I have to walk past this little cuddlebug all cozy on the bed!
Mountain bike trails in the spring = one giant mud pit!
Soggy trillium all over- spring has finally officially arrived!