And suddenly, it was winter! The week started off stormy, with wind and rain tearing most of the remaining vibrant foliage from the trees. They lined the sidewalks in brightly colored drifts that I can never resist stomping through. There's something so satisfying about the crunch and rattle of leaves punctuating each step. By Friday morning, much to everyone's surprise, the rain had turned to snow - one of the earliest snows the Seattle area has ever seen! It snowed off and on for most of the day Friday, but by late afternoon, it had warmed enough to melt away the light dusting of snow. Sunday morning, we woke to snow again. With only a few hours, I headed for the nearby Evans Creek Preserve again. By the time I made it out the door, the snow had almost entirely melted away, but the woods were magically misty, and it was astonishing to see how dramatically the forest had changed in just one week!
After knitting a pair of legwarmers for my sister-in-law in this gorgeous pattern, I couldn't wait to make myself a pair of socks. These will be so cozy and beautiful once they're finished!