A full week on Whidbey Island, and what a lovely week it was. Originally, our plan for our anniversary was to spend a week backpacking on the Spider Gap - Buck Creek Pass loop. Unfortunately, the Buck Creek fire got in the way of those plans. We briefly talked about a few backup multi-day hikes we could do, but since my feet have been bothering me so much, we decided to take it easy and spend a week on Whidbey Island instead, something we haven't done in years! With a whole week, we had time for many of the things we always talk about doing but never are able to make the time for. On a rainy Wednesday, we took a ferry to Port Townsend to taste lots of delicious Washington ciders. Another afternoon, we visited Fort Ebey State Park to hike some new trails and explore the old bunker. We also made it out on the water in the kayak a couple times and found the water mysteriously filled with jellyfish. Naturally, we also spent plenty of time just lounging around the cabin too, knitting and reading in the sunshine. While I still am disappointed our original plans for the week, it's hard to imagine a better anniversary vacation than the one we wound up with!
We saw so many young deer over the week. This one almost seemed like he wanted to be my friend!
SO excited about a new Jonathan Safran Foer novel!