If my weekly posts were accurately representative of my daily life, at least 50% of the photos in my posts would look like the two below. Work has continued to be hectic, but things are beginning to slow down. Soon I may even be able to take the occasional weekday off for hiking! Wednesday night, I left work a little early so Andy and I could have dinner at our favorite restaurant in Redmond - Stone House. Once upon a time, we lived within walking distance, and for several years, we went often enough that all the staff knew us well enough to recognize my voice when I'd call to make a reservation. We live further away and don't go as often anymore, but the food is as incredible as ever.
Saturday, I spent most of the day at not one, but two bookstores! The first stop was Third Place Books, where Ashley and I met to catch up while perusing books (one of our favorite indoor activities, and one with our husbands do not enjoy nearly as much as we do!). I restrained myself and only picked up on book there - a used copy of The Magus by John Fowles. My next stop was Half Price Books to sell a sack full of books. I used the $5 I got for the 20 or so books to buy two more books I've been wanting to read - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon and Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Raccula. Hopefully I'll have time for reading again soon. I just barely finished Phenomenal in time for the Alpine Trails Book Club on Sunday.
The hike to Barclay Lake was beautiful and quiet. It rained on us almost all morning, clearing up only as we were nearing the trailhead on our way out. While it would have been nice to linger by the lake a little longer as we could have if not for the cold rain, I think we all appreciated the lack of crowds that we would have seen on a sunny spring day.
Dainty little bunchberry was blooming in several places along the trail. There's something I can't resist about dogwood of all varieties!